Tailor Made Software / CADViewer - Downloads

Font selection for AutoXchange and CADViewer

We provide a set of available SHX and TTF fonts collected over time. You can download and use this selection, to ensure your conversions are properly mapped.

If your fonts are not present, you can always use the font-mapping features in AutoXchange.

Place the Fonts in the /fonts/ folder below your /ax2020/windows/ or /ax2020/linux/ installation path for AutoXchange.

If you have a set of Fonts that is not in this collection, please send them to us and we will include them in the collection.

Font selection for AutoXchange and CADViewer

Additional TTF Font selection for Windows

On Windows you should download all of the TTF fonts that Microsoft has available. Use https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-start-winpc/some-fonts-are-missing-after-upgrade/95839dfa-0df2-4bc0-875a-fd6b57e61fe4 for how to do this. Follow the directions under “Installing optional features independent of language setting” and “Download fonts for all languages”.

Last updated on 26 Jan 2021
Published on 13 Jan 2021