Changing Views and Units

This page provides information about two CADViewer features that enhance your ability to view a drawing -- by changing the background color if you prefer white, and by opening a specific view as previously determined by the creator/publisher of the drawing.

Changing the background color

  Click this button to change the background of the drawing from black to white -- or back to black -- if you prefer. Please note that when switching from a black to a white background will force CADViewer to display all colored lines and details in black. If you prefer the colored details, click this button to restore the black background.

NOTE: Drawings that were originally created with white backgrounds will not display a black background when you click this button.

Selecting a specific view

  If custom views were designated by the creator in the original drawing, the Change Views button (shown left) will be active. If there are no views in the drawing, this button will be disabled (crossed out).

To open any existing views in the CADViewer, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Change Views button.

    A new window will pop up (as shown below) listing all available views.

  2. Click any of the listed view names to load it into the viewer.

    When a new view is selected, the CADViewer will display that view of the drawing with the assigned scale and position.

    TIP: This feature facilitates quick navigation to key sections in a drawing.

    The Views window will remain open until you click Done. You can use it as a floating palette, with which you can switch quickly between views.