Visual Query Technical Documentation, Installation Guide and Reference Samples Library

Highlight multiple types of measurements with call-back

The sub-component RedlineAreaMethods as part of the main *CADViewerHelperComponent includes sample methods to create space object based measurements of areas, and allow the application programmer to manipulate the associated JSON objects containing the measurements, their shape, type and area.

import React, {useCallback, useContext} from "react";
import JQ from "jquery";
import cadviewer from "cadviewer";
import { handle_selector, selected_handles, current_selected_handle } from "../../CADViewer/CADViewer";
import { is } from "css-select";
import {CadviewerContext} from "../../../context/Cadviewer.Context";
import config from "../../../utils/config";

//export const RedlineAreaMethods = () => {
//    const { currentCanvasInstance } = useContext(CadviewerContext);
export function graphicalObjectOnChange(type: any, graphicalObject: any, spaceID: any, evt: any) {

    internalcallback01(type, graphicalObject, spaceID, evt)


// wood
var  highlight_green = { 
    fill: '#32CD32',     // 0dff8a
    "fill-opacity": 0.7,
    stroke: '#228B22',       // 0dff8a green
    'stroke-width': 3.0,
    'stroke-opacity': 1,
    'stroke-linejoin': 'round'

// stone
var  highlight_blue = {
    fill: '#0c8dff',
    'fill-opacity': 0.4,
    stroke: '#003366',           // midnight blue 003366 ,    #0c8dff
    'stroke-width': 3.0,
    'stroke-opacity': 1.0,
    'stroke-linejoin': 'round'

// carpet  
var  highlight_purple = {
    fill: '#ff00dd',     
    "fill-opacity": 0.4,
    stroke: '#800080', //  purple          #ff00dd
    'stroke-width': 3.0,
    'stroke-opacity': 1,
    'stroke-linejoin': 'round'

  var  highlight_yellow = {
    fill: '#fafa00',            //  #FFFCBB yellow
    "fill-opacity": 0.4,
    stroke: '#FFD300',    //  orange
    'stroke-width': 3.0,
    'stroke-opacity': 1,
    'stroke-linejoin': 'round'

var  highlight_bordeau_red_borders = {
    fill: '#fff',
    "fill-opacity": 0.01,
    stroke: '#8B0000',   // #8B0000   #fa8072    // red
    'stroke-width': 4.0, // 
    'stroke-opacity': 1,
    'stroke-linejoin': 'round'

var totalAreaWood = 0;
var totalAreaCarpet = 0;
var totalAreaStone = 0;

var counter = 0;
var objectcounter = 0;
var setFloorType = "hardwood";
var setFloorStyle = "highlight_green";
var lastusedUnit = "m2";

var myredlineObjects;
var thisredlineObject;
var myredlinestickynoteObjects;
//var myareaObjects = [];

var myareaObjects:any[] = [] 

function internalcallback01(type: any, graphicalObject: any, spaceID: any, evt: any) {

   console.log("RedlineAreaMethods - graphicalObjectOnChange"+type+"  "+ graphicalObject+"  "+spaceID+ "  "+evt);

    if (type == 'Click' && ((graphicalObject.toLowerCase().indexOf("redline") )>-1 ||  graphicalObject.toLowerCase().indexOf("redlinefilledpolygon")>-1 )){		

        thisredlineObject = cadviewer.cvjs_returnRedlineObjectID(spaceID);

        //window.alert(myareaObjects.length+"   "+spaceID);
        var floorType = "";
        for (var redline in myareaObjects){  
            if (myareaObjects[redline].id == spaceID){
                floorType = myareaObjects[redline].type;
        window.alert("Area is:"+thisredlineObject.area+" "+thisredlineObject.unit+"2\nFloor Type: "+floorType);

        // change color of redline object

        cadviewer.cvjs_styleRedline(, highlight_yellow);


        if (window.confirm("Area is:"+thisredlineObject.area+" "+thisredlineObject.unit+"2\nFloor Type: "+floorType)) { 

            // change color of redline object
            cadviewer.cvjs_styleRedline(, highlight_green);

        } else {

            // change color of redline object

            cadviewer.cvjs_styleRedline(, highlight_blue);



    if (type == 'Create' && ((graphicalObject.toLowerCase().indexOf("spaceobject") )>-1)){		

        var myobject = cadviewer.cvjs_returnSpaceObjectID(spaceID);
        console.log("This Object "+spaceID+" has Parent: "+myobject.parent);

        lastusedUnit = myobject.unit+"2";

        if (window.confirm("This is a "+setFloorType+" floor part ("+setFloorStyle+") with area: "+myobject.area+" "+lastusedUnit+". Add to measurement?")) { 

            if (setFloorType == "hardwood"){
                cadviewer.cvjs_highlightSpace(spaceID, highlight_green);
            if (setFloorType == "stone"){
                cadviewer.cvjs_highlightSpace(spaceID, highlight_blue);
            if (setFloorType == "carpet"){
                cadviewer.cvjs_highlightSpace(spaceID, highlight_purple);
            if (counter == 0){
                totalAreaWood += parseFloat(myobject.area);
                console.log("Total Area Hardwood: "+totalAreaWood);
                cadviewer.cvjs_styleRedline(id, highlight_green);
                myareaObjects.push({id: id, area: myobject.area, type: "wood"});
            if (counter == 1){
                totalAreaStone += parseFloat(myobject.area);
                console.log("Total Area Stone: "+totalAreaStone);
                cadviewer.cvjs_styleRedline(id, highlight_blue);
                myareaObjects.push({id: id, area: myobject.area, type: "stone"});
            if (counter == 2){
                totalAreaCarpet += parseFloat(myobject.area);
                console.log("Total Area Carpet: "+totalAreaCarpet);
                cadviewer.cvjs_styleRedline(id, highlight_purple);
                myareaObjects.push({id: id, area: myobject.area, type: "carpet"});



            window.alert("delete object: "+spaceID);

            cadviewer.cvjs_deleteSpaceObjectDirect("floorPlan", spaceID);


            if (counter == -1) 
                counter = 2;
            if (objectcounter == -1) 
                objectcounter = 0;




    if (type == 'Create' && ((graphicalObject.toLowerCase().indexOf("filledredlinerectangle") )>-1 ||  graphicalObject.toLowerCase().indexOf("redlinefilledpolygon")>-1 )){		

        myredlineObjects = cadviewer.cvjs_returnAllRedlineObjects();
        myredlinestickynoteObjects = cadviewer.cvjs_returnAllRedlineStickyNoteObjects()
        //console.log("red: "+JSON.stringify(myredlineObjects));

        // we get the current object
        thisredlineObject = cadviewer.cvjs_returnRedlineObjectID(spaceID)

        console.log("red: "+JSON.stringify(thisredlineObject));


        if (counter == 3) 
            counter = 0;

        if (counter == 0){
            setFloorType = "hardwood";
            setFloorStyle = "Green";
        if (counter == 1){
            setFloorType = "stone";
            setFloorStyle = "Blue";
        if (counter == 2){
            setFloorType = "carpet";
            setFloorStyle = "Purple";

        lastusedUnit = thisredlineObject.unit+"2";

        if (window.confirm("This is a "+setFloorType+" floor part ("+setFloorStyle+") with area: "+thisredlineObject.area+" "+lastusedUnit+". Add to measurement?")) { 
            // Save it!

            var id =;

            if (counter == 0){
                totalAreaWood += parseFloat(thisredlineObject.area);
                console.log("Total Area Hardwood: "+totalAreaWood);
                cadviewer.cvjs_styleRedline(id, highlight_green);
                myareaObjects.push({id: id, area: thisredlineObject.area, type: "wood"});
            if (counter == 1){
                totalAreaStone += parseFloat(thisredlineObject.area);
                console.log("Total Area Stone: "+totalAreaStone);
                cadviewer.cvjs_styleRedline(id, highlight_blue);
                myareaObjects.push({id: id, area: thisredlineObject.area, type: "stone"});
            if (counter == 2){
                totalAreaCarpet += parseFloat(thisredlineObject.area);
                console.log("Total Area Carpet: "+totalAreaCarpet);
                cadviewer.cvjs_styleRedline(id, highlight_purple);
                myareaObjects.push({id: id, area: thisredlineObject.area, type: "carpet"});
            //window.alert('We change color to its new type');    
          } else {
            // Do nothing!
            //window.alert('we delete the object');
            // we delete the object



            if (counter == -1) 
                counter = 2;
            if (objectcounter == -1) 
                objectcounter = 0;





export const RedlineAreaMethods = () => {

    const { handleSelector, setHandleSelector, currentCanvasInstance } = useContext(CadviewerContext);

// use current canvas instance !!!!



var generic_canvas_flag_first_click_rectangle = false;
var generic_canvas_flag_rectangle = false;
var tPath_r ="";
var cvjs_RubberBand :any;
var cvjs_firstX =0;
var cvjs_firstY =0;
var cvjs_lastX =0;
var cvjs_lastY =0;

var selected_handles : any;  // this is just to show that you can have multiple handles
var handle_selector = false;
var current_selected_handle = "";

const redlineAreaMethod01 = useCallback(() => {

	cadviewer.cvjs_drawRedlineFilledRectangle(currentCanvasInstance as string);

}, [currentCanvasInstance]);

const redlineAreaMethod02 = useCallback(() => {

	cadviewer.cvjs_drawRedlineFilledPolygon(currentCanvasInstance as string);

}, [currentCanvasInstance]);

const redlineAreaMethod01A = useCallback(() => {


    var floor_id = "w_"+objectcounter;  

    if (counter == 3) 
        counter = 0;

    if (counter == 0){
        setFloorType = "hardwood";
        setFloorStyle = "Green";
        floor_id = "w_"+objectcounter;  
    if (counter == 1){
        setFloorType = "stone";
        setFloorStyle = "Blue";
        floor_id = "s_"+objectcounter;  
    if (counter == 2){
        setFloorType = "carpet";
        setFloorStyle = "Purple";
        floor_id = "c_"+objectcounter;  

	cadviewer.cvjs_addSpaceObjectRectangle("floorPlan", floor_id, setFloorType, setFloorType+"_"+objectcounter, "AreaLayer");

}, [currentCanvasInstance]);

const redlineAreaMethod02A = useCallback(() => {


    var floor_id = "w_"+objectcounter;  

    if (counter == 3) 
        counter = 0;

    if (counter == 0){
        setFloorType = "hardwood";
        setFloorStyle = "Green";
        floor_id = "w_"+objectcounter;  
    if (counter == 1){
        setFloorType = "stone";
        setFloorStyle = "Blue";
        floor_id = "s_"+objectcounter;  
    if (counter == 2){
        setFloorType = "carpet";
        setFloorStyle = "Purple";
        floor_id = "c_"+objectcounter;  

	cadviewer.cvjs_addSpaceObjectPolygon("floorPlan", floor_id, setFloorType, setFloorType+"_"+objectcounter, "AreaLayer");

}, [currentCanvasInstance]);

const redlineAreaMethod08A = useCallback(() => {

    window.alert("Reset areas, delete spaces");

    totalAreaWood = 0;
    totalAreaCarpet = 0;
    totalAreaStone = 0;


    // delete all redlines
    cadviewer.cvjs_clearSpaceObjects(currentCanvasInstance as string);

    //cadviewer.cvjs_drawRedlineFilledRectangle(currentCanvasInstance as string, redId, redlineStyle);

}, [currentCanvasInstance]);

const redlineAreaMethod03 = useCallback(() => {

    var redId = (document.getElementById("redId") as HTMLInputElement).value;

    var  highlight_green = {
        fill: '#32CD32',     // 0dff8a
        "fill-opacity": 0.8,
        stroke: '#228B22',       // 0dff8a green
        'stroke-width': 2.0,
        'stroke-opacity': 1,
        'stroke-linejoin': 'round'
    window.alert(redId+"  "+JSON.stringify(highlight_green));

    cadviewer.cvjs_styleRedline(redId, highlight_green)

    //cadviewer.cvjs_drawRedlineFilledRectangle(currentCanvasInstance as string, redId, redlineStyle);

}, [currentCanvasInstance]);

const redlineAreaMethod04 = useCallback(() => {

    var redId = (document.getElementById("redId") as HTMLInputElement).value;
    window.alert(redId+"  "+JSON.stringify(highlight_blue));

    cadviewer.cvjs_styleRedline(redId, highlight_blue)

    //cadviewer.cvjs_drawRedlineFilledRectangle(currentCanvasInstance as string, redId, redlineStyle);

}, [currentCanvasInstance]);

const redlineAreaMethod05 = useCallback(() => {

    var redId = (document.getElementById("redId") as HTMLInputElement).value;

    // get the redline object
    thisredlineObject = cadviewer.cvjs_returnRedlineObjectID(redId)

    //window.alert(myareaObjects.length+"   "+redId);

    var floorType = "";
    for (var redline in myareaObjects){  

        //window.alert(myareaObjects[redline].id+"   "+redId);

        if (myareaObjects[redline].id == redId){
            floorType = myareaObjects[redline].type;

    window.alert("Area is:"+thisredlineObject.area+" "+thisredlineObject.unit+"2\nFloor Type: "+floorType);

    //cadviewer.cvjs_drawRedlineFilledRectangle(currentCanvasInstance as string, redId, redlineStyle);

}, [currentCanvasInstance]);

const redlineAreaMethod06 = useCallback(() => {

    var redId = (document.getElementById("redId") as HTMLInputElement).value;

    window.alert("Return JSON with all SPACES");

    //cadviewer.cvjs_drawRedlineFilledRectangle(currentCanvasInstance as string, redId, redlineStyle);

}, [currentCanvasInstance]);

const redlineAreaMethod07 = useCallback(() => {

    window.alert("Insert JSON with SPACES");

    //cadviewer.cvjs_drawRedlineFilledRectangle(currentCanvasInstance as string, redId, redlineStyle);

}, [currentCanvasInstance]);

const internalCallback01 = useCallback((type: any, graphicalObject: any, spaceID: any, evt: any) => {

    window.alert("Insert JSON with SPACES");

    //cadviewer.cvjs_drawRedlineFilledRectangle(currentCanvasInstance as string, redId, redlineStyle);

}, [currentCanvasInstance]);

const redlineAreaMethod08 = useCallback(() => {

    window.alert("Reset Areas, delete redlines");

    totalAreaWood = 0;
    totalAreaCarpet = 0;
    totalAreaStone = 0;

    // delete all redlines

    //cadviewer.cvjs_drawRedlineFilledRectangle(currentCanvasInstance as string, redId, redlineStyle);

}, [currentCanvasInstance]);

const redlineAreaMethod09 = useCallback(() => {

    window.alert("Total floor areas: \nHardwood: "+totalAreaWood+" "+lastusedUnit+" \nCarpet: "+totalAreaCarpet+" "+lastusedUnit+"\nStone: "+totalAreaStone+" "+lastusedUnit); ;

    //cadviewer.cvjs_drawRedlineFilledRectangle(currentCanvasInstance as string, redId, redlineStyle);

}, [currentCanvasInstance]);

const redlineAreaMethod10 = useCallback(() => {

    cadviewer.cvjs_calibrateMeasurement(currentCanvasInstance as string);

    //cadviewer.cvjs_drawRedlineFilledRectangle(currentCanvasInstance as string, redId, redlineStyle);

}, [currentCanvasInstance]);

const redlineAreaMethod11 = useCallback(() => {

    var redId = (document.getElementById("redId") as HTMLInputElement).value;

    // get the redline object
    thisredlineObject = cadviewer.cvjs_returnRedlineObjectID(redId)

    window.alert("Delete Area: "+redId+"  "+thisredlineObject.area);
    var i=0;
    for (var redline in myareaObjects){  

        if (myareaObjects[redline].id == redId){
            if (myareaObjects[redline].type == "wood")
                totalAreaWood -= parseFloat(myareaObjects[redline].area);
            if (myareaObjects[i].type == "stone")
                totalAreaStone -= parseFloat(myareaObjects[redline].area);
            if (myareaObjects[i].type == "carpet")
                totalAreaCarpet -= parseFloat(myareaObjects[redline].area);
            myareaObjects.splice(i, 1);

    // delete the redline object

    cadviewer.cvjs_deleteRedlineDirect(currentCanvasInstance as string, redId);

    //cadviewer.cvjs_drawRedlineFilledRectangle(currentCanvasInstance as string, redId, redlineStyle);

}, [currentCanvasInstance]);

const showhide_polygonpoints = useCallback((action: string) => () => {

    var id = (document.getElementById("redId") as HTMLInputElement).value;

    window.alert("showhide_polygonpoints: "+id+" action: "+action+" redline"+(currentCanvasInstance as string));

    var controlPointsStyleObject = {
        fill: '#0000FF',
        stroke: '#00FF00',
        opacity: '0.9',
        'radiusFactor' : 1


    cadviewer.cvjs_displayPolygonControlsPoint((currentCanvasInstance as string), (id as string),  action, "redline");  // "hide"

}, [currentCanvasInstance]);


    return (
                <br />
				<button className={`
                    bg-primary-500 hover:bg-primary-700 text-white font-semibold rounded 
                    ${config.helperMethodsActionSize === "small" ? " text-xs my-1 mr-1 py-[2px] px-1" : config.helperMethodsActionSize === "large" ? " text-base my-2 mr-2 py-2 px-3" : " text-sm my-2 mr-2 py-1 px-3"}
					Measure (Rectangle)
				<button className={`
                    bg-primary-500 hover:bg-primary-700 text-white font-semibold rounded 
                    ${config.helperMethodsActionSize === "small" ? " text-xs my-1 mr-1 py-[2px] px-1" : config.helperMethodsActionSize === "large" ? " text-base my-2 mr-2 py-2 px-3" : " text-sm my-2 mr-2 py-1 px-3"}
					Measure (Polygon)
				<button className={`
                    bg-primary-500 hover:bg-primary-700 text-white font-semibold rounded 
                    ${config.helperMethodsActionSize === "small" ? " text-xs my-1 mr-1 py-[2px] px-1" : config.helperMethodsActionSize === "large" ? " text-base my-2 mr-2 py-2 px-3" : " text-sm my-2 mr-2 py-1 px-3"}
                    Reset Areas
				<button className={`
                    bg-primary-500 hover:bg-primary-700 text-white font-semibold rounded 
                    ${config.helperMethodsActionSize === "small" ? " text-xs my-1 mr-1 py-[2px] px-1" : config.helperMethodsActionSize === "large" ? " text-base my-2 mr-2 py-2 px-3" : " text-sm my-2 mr-2 py-1 px-3"}
                    Calibrate Floorplan

				<button className={`
                    bg-primary-500 hover:bg-primary-700 text-white font-semibold rounded 
                    ${config.helperMethodsActionSize === "small" ? " text-xs my-1 mr-1 py-[2px] px-1" : config.helperMethodsActionSize === "large" ? " text-base my-2 mr-2 py-2 px-3" : " text-sm my-2 mr-2 py-1 px-3"}
                    Total Current Areas

                <br />

				<button className={`
                    bg-primary-500 hover:bg-primary-700 text-white font-semibold rounded 
                    ${config.helperMethodsActionSize === "small" ? " text-xs my-1 mr-1 py-[2px] px-1" : config.helperMethodsActionSize === "large" ? " text-base my-2 mr-2 py-2 px-3" : " text-sm my-2 mr-2 py-1 px-3"}
					Measure Red (Rectangle)
				<button className={`
                    bg-primary-500 hover:bg-primary-700 text-white font-semibold rounded 
                    ${config.helperMethodsActionSize === "small" ? " text-xs my-1 mr-1 py-[2px] px-1" : config.helperMethodsActionSize === "large" ? " text-base my-2 mr-2 py-2 px-3" : " text-sm my-2 mr-2 py-1 px-3"}
					Measure Red (Polygon)

				<button className={`
                    bg-primary-500 hover:bg-primary-700 text-white font-semibold rounded 
                    ${config.helperMethodsActionSize === "small" ? " text-xs my-1 mr-1 py-[2px] px-1" : config.helperMethodsActionSize === "large" ? " text-base my-2 mr-2 py-2 px-3" : " text-sm my-2 mr-2 py-1 px-3"}
                    Reset Areas
				<button className={`
                    bg-primary-500 hover:bg-primary-700 text-white font-semibold rounded 
                    ${config.helperMethodsActionSize === "small" ? " text-xs my-1 mr-1 py-[2px] px-1" : config.helperMethodsActionSize === "large" ? " text-base my-2 mr-2 py-2 px-3" : " text-sm my-2 mr-2 py-1 px-3"}
                    Calibrate Floorplan
				<button className={`
                    bg-primary-500 hover:bg-primary-700 text-white font-semibold rounded 
                    ${config.helperMethodsActionSize === "small" ? " text-xs my-1 mr-1 py-[2px] px-1" : config.helperMethodsActionSize === "large" ? " text-base my-2 mr-2 py-2 px-3" : " text-sm my-2 mr-2 py-1 px-3"}
                    Total Current Areas
                < br/>
                 <input className={`
                    bg-white text-black font-normal rounded 
                    ${config.helperMethodsActionSize === "small" ? " text-xs my-1 mr-1 py-[2px] px-1" : config.helperMethodsActionSize === "large" ? " text-base my-2 mr-2 py-2 px-3" : " text-sm my-2 mr-2 py-1 px-3"}
                `} type="text" id="redId"  defaultValue="redId" />
				<button className={`
                    bg-primary-500 hover:bg-primary-700 text-white font-semibold rounded 
                    ${config.helperMethodsActionSize === "small" ? " text-xs my-1 mr-1 py-[2px] px-1" : config.helperMethodsActionSize === "large" ? " text-base my-2 mr-2 py-2 px-3" : " text-sm my-2 mr-2 py-1 px-3"}
                    Delete Area
                <button className={`
                    bg-primary-500 hover:bg-primary-700 text-white font-semibold rounded 
                    ${config.helperMethodsActionSize === "small" ? " text-xs my-1 mr-1 py-[2px] px-1" : config.helperMethodsActionSize === "large" ? " text-base my-2 mr-2 py-2 px-3" : " text-sm my-2 mr-2 py-1 px-3"}
                    Show Area
                <button className={`
                    bg-primary-500 hover:bg-primary-700 text-white font-semibold rounded 
                    ${config.helperMethodsActionSize === "small" ? " text-xs my-1 mr-1 py-[2px] px-1" : config.helperMethodsActionSize === "large" ? " text-base my-2 mr-2 py-2 px-3" : " text-sm my-2 mr-2 py-1 px-3"}
			onClick={showhide_polygonpoints("show")}>show polygon points</button>
			<button className={`
                    bg-primary-500 hover:bg-primary-700 text-white font-semibold rounded 
                    ${config.helperMethodsActionSize === "small" ? " text-xs my-1 mr-1 py-[2px] px-1" : config.helperMethodsActionSize === "large" ? " text-base my-2 mr-2 py-2 px-3" : " text-sm my-2 mr-2 py-1 px-3"}
			 onClick={showhide_polygonpoints("hide")}>hide polygon points</button>


                <br />

                <text className={`
                    bg-white text-black font-normal rounded 
                    ${config.helperMethodsActionSize === "small" ? " text-xs my-1 mr-1 py-[2px] px-1" : config.helperMethodsActionSize === "large" ? " text-base my-2 mr-2 py-2 px-3" : " text-sm my-2 mr-2 py-1 px-3"}
                `}>Redline (area) ID:</text>
                <button className={`
                    bg-primary-500 hover:bg-primary-700 text-white font-semibold rounded 
                    ${config.helperMethodsActionSize === "small" ? " text-xs my-1 mr-1 py-[2px] px-1" : config.helperMethodsActionSize === "large" ? " text-base my-2 mr-2 py-2 px-3" : " text-sm my-2 mr-2 py-1 px-3"}
                    Style Object Green

				<button className={`
                    bg-primary-500 hover:bg-primary-700 text-white font-semibold rounded 
                    ${config.helperMethodsActionSize === "small" ? " text-xs my-1 mr-1 py-[2px] px-1" : config.helperMethodsActionSize === "large" ? " text-base my-2 mr-2 py-2 px-3" : " text-sm my-2 mr-2 py-1 px-3"}
                    Style Object Blue


				<button className={`
                    bg-primary-500 hover:bg-primary-700 text-white font-semibold rounded 
                    ${config.helperMethodsActionSize === "small" ? " text-xs my-1 mr-1 py-[2px] px-1" : config.helperMethodsActionSize === "large" ? " text-base my-2 mr-2 py-2 px-3" : " text-sm my-2 mr-2 py-1 px-3"}
                    Give me JSON with all SPACES

				<button className={`
                    bg-primary-500 hover:bg-primary-700 text-white font-semibold rounded 
                    ${config.helperMethodsActionSize === "small" ? " text-xs my-1 mr-1 py-[2px] px-1" : config.helperMethodsActionSize === "large" ? " text-base my-2 mr-2 py-2 px-3" : " text-sm my-2 mr-2 py-1 px-3"}
                    Insert JSON with SPACES

Last updated on 29 Aug 2024
Published on 29 Aug 2024