CADViewer Technical Documentation, Installation Guide and Reference Samples Library

CADViewer Documentation Overview

Tailor Made Software’s ® CADViewer ™ is a vector graphics viewer infrastructure designed to display AutoCAD DWG, DXF and DWF and MicroStation DGN and PCF formats files as well as non-standard bitmap files like TIFF and and about 50 other graphical formats.

CADViewer additionally loads and displays Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) for vector graphics geometry.

CADViewer uses Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) as its internal display format, but with a number of format additions to be able to accurately model CAD drawing scale, display and manipulate CAD drawings layers as well as being able to handle external references/sub-drawings and multiple layouts and views in a single drawing.

CADViewer has an extensive API that allows application programmers to modify the interface and model CADViewer to their applications requirements.

CADViewer supports custom commands and has a predefined set of advanced features, such as Redlining, Compare Drawings and Dynamic Highlight to mention a few.

This Tech Doc will guide you through, how to install and use CADViewer, through the steps below:

Last updated on 20 May 2024
Published on 9 Apr 2020