Visual Query Technical Documentation, Installation Guide and Reference Samples Library


The config.ts files sets the interface elements, the server side settings and all configuration of CADViewer at initialization, it is located in the /src/utils/ folder.

Each of the parameter settings is followed with an explanation of what the setting controls.

const config = {
    "AppName": "CADViewer: Visual Query  ", //"License Keys: CADViewer Conversion Server / TailorMade REST-API Conversion Server", //"Tenants Overview Plans - Current Floor-plan", //"Standard Visual Query encapsulation of CADViewer", //"Tenants Overview Plans - Current Floor-plan", //"Standard Visual Query encapsulation of CADViewer", // "Comparez les dessins d'infrastructures ferroviaires", //  //  "CADViewer: Visual Query ",    
    "ContactEmailsFlag":false,                             // set to true to display contact emails in the about box
    "ContactEmails": ["", ""], 
    "ZoomFactor": 20.0,                                   // zoom factor for cvjs_zoomHere_ObjectId() in left panel click
    //"ServerBackEndUrl": "", //"", // "", //"", //"http://localhost:3000/", //"", //"", //"", //"" , //"",  //"http://localhost:3000", //"", //"http://localhost:3000",          //""http://localhost:3000",  //"",           // This is the URL of the CADViewer back-end server
    "ServerBackEndUrl": "http://localhost:3000", //"", //"http://localhost:3000", //"", //"", // "", //"", //"http://localhost:3000/", //"", //"", //"", //"" , //"",  //"http://localhost:3000", //"", //"http://localhost:3000",          //""http://localhost:3000",  //"",           // This is the URL of the CADViewer back-end server
    "ServerLocation": "",                                 // leave blank  in most cases
	"ServerUrl": "http://localhost:3001",                 // this is the URL of the front end server
    "postFixServerToken" : true,     // true if the server shall be contatenated with a Token, kept on the Server, use a postfixed SAS token, when loading JSON content
    "bearerToken": "", //"Bearer t-7614f875-8423-4f20-a674-d7cf3096290e",   // security bearer token (if not applicable, set to "")
    "debugMode": true,    // enables CADViewer debug traces in the browser

    "setCADViewerLanguage": "English", // Available languages:  "English" ; "French, "Korean", "Spanish", "Portuguese", "Chinese-Simplified", "Chinese-Traditional"

    //"initFileName":"/content/custom/bpretail/bpretail-splash-04.svg",  // the initialization drawing when loading Visual Query, based on a server path
     "initFileName":"", // initial drawing to load, if empty, no drawing is loaded

    // "initFileName":"/content/drawings/dwg/1st floor architectural.dwg", // initial drawing to load, if empty, no drawing is loaded
    "canvasMode": "SINGLE", // SINGLE || MULTIPLE

    "activateCompareOnLoad": false, 
                // false is default,  activate the compare tool on load  example call: http://localhost:3001/?compareFile=/nodejs/cadviewer-conversion-server/content/drawings/dwg_compare_drawings/hq17-1.dwg&compareWith=/nodejs/cadviewer-conversion-server/content/drawings/dwg_compare_drawings/hq17-2.dwg
                                // false is default,  activate the compare tool on load  example call: http://localhost:3001/?compareFile=/nodejs/cadviewer-conversion-server/content/custom/SNCF/S0001A-0001-830014-VIP22%201.dwg&compareWith=/nodejs/cadviewer-conversion-server/content/custom/SNCF/S0001A-0001-830014-VIP22%202.dwg

    // cadviewer license key
    "cadviewerLicenseKey" : "00110010 00110010 00110000 00110001 00110010 00110000 00110110 00110001 00110100 00111000 00110001 00110100 00110101 00110001 00110101 00110111 00110001 00110101 00111001 00110001 00110100 00111000 00110001 00110101 00110010 00110001 00110100 00110101 00110001 00110100 00110001 00110001 00110100 00110000 00110001 00111001 00111000 00110010 00110000 00110110 00110010 00110000 00111000 00110010 00110000 00110110 00110010 00110000 00110011 00110010 00110001 00110001 00110010 00110000 00111000 00110010 00110000 00110110 00110010 00110001 00110001 00110010 00110000 00110110 00110010 00110000 00110000 00110001 00111001 00111000 00110001 00110100 00110001 00110001 00110100 00110100 00110001 00110101 00111001 00110001 00110101 00110111 00110001 00110101 00110101",

    // conversion parameters - these can dynamically be change in the settings modal
    "conversionParameters" :[{"param":"model", "value": ""}, {"param":"extents", "value": ""}, {"param":"trace", "value": ""}, {"param":"strokeall", "value": ""}, {"param":"SVGTOL", "value": "0.001"}],

    // set layer colors on load
    "setLayerColorsOnLoad" :[{"layer":"0", "color":"#000"},{"layer": "ARCH-DOORS-INTERIOR", "color":"#000"},{"layer":"ARCH-DOORS-EXTERIOR", "color":"#000"},{"layer":"ARCH-FEATURES", "color":"#000"},{"layer":"ARCH-OPENINGS-ABOVE", "color":"#000"},{"layer":"ARCH-OPENINGS-BELOW", "color":"#000"},{"layer":"ARCH-SITE-MISC", "color":"#D3D3D3"},{"layer":"ARCH-SYMBOLS", "color":"#000"},{"layer":"ARCH-WALLS-INTERIOR", "color":"#000"},{"layer":"ARCH-WALLS-EXTERIOR", "color":"#000"},{"layer":"DEFPOINTS", "color":"#000"},{"layer":"DIMENSIONS-STRUCTURAL-GRID", "color":"#000"},{"layer":"DIMENSION-TENANT", "color":"#000"},{"layer":"EXPANSION-JOINT", "color":"#000"},{"layer":"STRUCTURAL-COLUMNS", "color":"#000"},{"layer":"TEXT-GENERAL", "color":"#000"},{"layer":"TEXT-MISC", "color":"#000"},{"layer":"TEXT-NOTES", "color":"#000"},{"layer":"TEXT-SF", "color":"#000"},{"layer":"TEXT-ANCHORS", "color":"#000"},{"layer":"TEXT-ANCHORS-DEPTS", "color":"#000"},{"layer":"STRUCTURAL-BRACING", "color":"#000"},{"layer":"UTILITIES-PLUMB", "color":"#000"},{"layer":"COMMON AREA FILL", "color":"#DEDEDE"},{"layer":"FM-TEXT-TENANT", "color":"#000"},{"layer":"FM-TENANT-SF", "color":"#000"},{"layer":"FM-SPNO", "color":"#000"},{"layer":"TENANT-DEMISING", "color":"#000"},{"layer":"STRUCTURAL-INTRUSIONS-UNDER-13FT", "color":"#000"},{"layer":"TENANT-STOREFRONT-LEASELINE", "color":"#000"},{"layer":"UTILITIES-HVAC", "color":"#000"}],
    "defaultLayerSetTimeout": 50, // in milliseconds
    "currentView" : [], // placeholder for the current view, set by the view menu
    "ShowInformativeBottomPanel": true,                    // turn the the bottom panel on off
    "ShowInformativeBottomPanelWhenClickInLeftPanel": true,
    "ShowInformativeLeftPanel": false,                     // initia show the left side panel
    "bottomPaneSliderMode": "withCADViewer", // withCADViewer, aboveCADViewer,
    "bottomPaneDefaultHeight": 15, // (15)   percentage of screen height (2) min
    "rightPanelDefaultWidth": 36, // (40) percentage of screen height
    "leftPaneDefaultWidth": 17, // (17) percentage of screen height
    // print pdf controls
    "printPDFflag" : false,   // add/remove checkbox for print as pdf
    "printAsPDF" : false,      // force server side conversion to pdf
    "setPaperSize": "letter",  // "A4"  , "letter"    set the papersize on the print modal
    // printer controls
    "printMargins_nonprint_h": 10, // non print margin region vertical, default 10mm
    "printMargins_nonprint_w": 10, // non print margin region horizontal, default 10mm      
    "printMargins_standard_h": 18, // non print margin region horizontal, default 18mm
    "printMargins_standard_w": 8, // non print margin region vertical, default 8mm
    "printMargins_tiny_h": 10, // non print margin region horizontal, default 6mm
    "printMargins_tiny_w": 6, // non print margin region vertical, default 6mm
    "printMargins_none_h": 0, // no margins, default 0mm
    "printMargins_none_w": 0, // no margins, default 0mm
                    // "printMargins_custom_h": "10mm", // custom margin region horizontal

    "DisplayCoordinatesMenu":true,                       // display the CADViewer coordinates menu
    "displayTopNavigationBar" : true,                      // display the layout /model space navigation menu
    "setSpaceObjectsCustomMenu" : true,                   // display the SpaceObject Navigation menu

    "displayTopMenuIconBar" : true,               // display the top menu icon bar
    "setTopMenuXMLDirect" : true, //true          // determines if XML menu is loaded from file or passed over from sting expression
    // controls for loading top icon menu from server
    "topMenuXML" : "cadviewer_full_commands_01.xml", //"cadviewer_minimum_viewonly_svg_02.xml",        // menu configuration file used  - default is: cadviewer_full_commands_01.xml   cadviewer_viewonly_nofileload_01.xml
    "topMenuXMLpath" :  "/cadviewer/app/cv/cv-pro/menu_config/",  //  the path for XML config files no nodejs conversion server           "/cadviewer/app/cv/cv-pro/menu_config/"                             
    // top xml icon menu config file for direct insertion

    //                 <command>cvjs_compareDrawings_LoadSecondDrawing</command>

    // page 1   <command>cvjs_interactiveLayerOff</command>  removed from interface
    // page 2                  <command>cvjs_mergeDXFDWG</command>    <command>cvjs_mergeQR</command> removed from interface

    /*  Full CADViewer Menu for Viz Query  */

    "topMenuXML_config_file" :   `
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 1</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 2</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 3</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 4</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 5</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 6</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 7</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 8</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 9</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 10</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 11</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 12</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 13</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 14</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 15</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 16</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 17</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 18</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Browse Folder Structure</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Select Property</tooltip>


    "setUnitForCalibrate" : "feet",                         // set base unit for calibrate modal
    "adjustMinimumLineThickness" : 200,                    // Line minimum thickness, in percentage of the minimum line weight in the loaded drawing

    "setNoModalMode" : false,                                // set no highlight modal mode to true or false
    "popupCustomMenu1" : "Custom<br>Menu 1<br>",               // custom menu 1   -  my_own_clickmenu1 in CADViewer.js
    "popupCustomFontAwesomeIcon1" : "fa fa-info-circle",               // custom menu 1 - icon 1 
    "popupCustomMenu2" : "Custom<br>Menu 2<br>",               // custom menu 2 - my_own_clickmenu2 in CADViewer.js
    "popupCustomFontAwesomeIcon2" : "fa fa-undo",               // custom menu 2  - icon 2
    // */

    // Base attributes of Space Object
    "BaseAttributes" : {
        "fill": "#d8e1e3", //'#d8e1e3', // '#ffd7f4', //'#D3D3D3',   // #FFF   #ffd7f4
        "fill-opacity": "0.1",
        "stroke": "#CCC", //  #CCC
        "stroke-width": 0.5,
        "stroke-opacity": "0.1",
        "stroke-linejoin": "round",
    // Mouse over highlight attributes of Space Object
    "HighlightAttributes" : {
        "fill": "#ffd7f4", //"#a4d7f4",  // '#ffd7f4'
        "fill-opacity": "0.6",
        "stroke": "#ffd7f4", // "#a4d7f4",
        "stroke-width": 1,
        "stroke-opacity": "0.8",
    // Mouse click highlight attributes of Space Object
    "SelectAttributes" : {
        "fill": "#ed39a5", //"#5BBEF6",   //#ed39a5
        "fill-opacity": "0.6",
        "stroke": "#ed39a5", //"#5BBEF6",  // #ed39a5
        "stroke-width": 1,
        "stroke-opacity": "0.8",
    "setRedlineModeInfo" : false, // set redline mode info to true or false
    "setRedlineDynamicPath" : true, // set redline dynamic path to true or false , this will ensure one redline location per drawing
    "setSpaceObjectDynamicPath" : true, // set space object dynamic path to true or false , this will ensure one space object location per drawing
    "setImageObjectDynamicPath" : true, // set imageobject dynamic path to true or false , this will ensure one image object location per drawing

    "setCADViewerSkin": "black", //CADViewer Skin lightgray, black, deepblue

    // enable or disable top bar features
    "enableLoginFeature": true,   // SET THE logon interface for users
    // enable or disable features in ... right side icon
    "rightMenuMode": "Inline", // Popup, Inline
    "rightMenuPopupText": "Open Menu",
    "enableRightMenuIcon": true,
    "enableRightFileModalPanel" : true,
    "enableRightFileModalPanelText" : "Folder Structure", //"Dateiordnerstruktur", //"Structure des dossiers", //"Folder Structure",   //
    "rightFileModalPanelTitle": "Folder Structure", //"Dateiordnerstruktur", //"Structure des dossiers", //"Folder Structure",   //
    "rightFileModalPanelSubTitle": "Drill down to select file", //"Explorez pour sélectionner le fichier", //"Drill down to select file",

    "enableRightEmployeePanel" : false,
    "enableRightEmployeePanelText" : "Employees",
    "enableRightArchivePanel" : false,
    "enableRightArchivePanelText" :  "Archive",

    "layerOptionWidth": 460, // in pixels
    "rightActionPanelWidth": 600, //Todo in pixels
    "planFile": "plan.json",
    "planTypeText": "Plan",
    "planSubTypeText": "Type",

    // controls for redline text
    "setforeignObjectInRedlineText": true, // set foreign object in redline text to true or false

    // Tooltip text
    "hambugerMenuTooltip": "Open/Close Left Panel",
    "rightActionPanelTooltip": "Open Options Panel",
    "leaseStartDate" : "Lease Start Date",
    "leaseEndDate" : "Lease End Date",

    // Left Panel
    "defaultLeftPanelOpen": false,
    // 1900-01-01T00:00:00 or 1900-01-01    - search of date-types for modification
    "dateRegex": ['^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}$', '^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}$'],

    // Action panel side settings
    "actionPanelSide": "left", // left, right,   settings of the action panel side

    // Upload files features
    "maxUploadSize": "10", // maximun size in mb

    // Top Bar Logo
    "topBarLogo": "",//"SNCF_reseau_01.png", // "",//"B-prop_logo_rgb.png", //"", //"SNCF_reseau_01.png" , // "SNCF Reseau    //  BPRetail "B-prop_logo_rgb.png", // ""
    "cadViewerBrandLogoPosition": "right_center", // bottom_center right_center
    "cadViewerBrandLogoSize": "small", // small large
    // Compare tool for JSON input files with structured content
    "showCompareTool": false,
    // todo Configuration for display logo in toolbar and also position and which one is hide when left pane is open or close

    "enablePolygonControlPoints" : true, // enable or disable polygon control points


    // helpers components   - NOTE: add your helper components in the CADViewerHelperMthods folder structure
    "enableHelperMethods": true,
    "enableHelpersMethodsGroup1": true,
    "enableHelpersMethodsGroup2": true,
    "enableHelpersMethodsGroup3": true,
    "enableHelpersMethodsGroup4": true,
    "enableHelpersMethodsGroup5": true,
    "enableHelpersMethodsGroup6": true,
    "helperMethodsActionSize": "small", // small, normal, large
    // add your own group of helper methods on the top toolbar


    "topPaneScrollDownTitle" : "Choose information plan/layer:",   // set te title of the top pane scroll down menu
    "displayTopPaneScrollDownButton": false, // display the top pane scroll down button, true to show the top pane scroll down menu
    "topRowItem1":"Mall Name:",     // top row items
    "topRowItem2":"Property:",      // top row items
    "topRowItem3":"Plan:",          // top row items

    "customOnLoadEndContent" : true,    // custom OnLoadEnd content -processing of custom content in CADViewer.js

    //    Global Application Files
    //   Global location for property / plans navigation:
    "globalApplicationPlans" :"plans.json",
    "globalApplicationViews" :"views.json",
    //    Property Specific Files
    // proper links
    "globalApplicationFilesLocation" :"",
    "propertySVGFilesLocation" :"",
    "propertyJSONFilesLocation" :"",

    "enableRightJSONModalPanel" :true,      // enabling JSON load right side pane for property selection
    "enableRightJSONModalPanelText" : "Select Property",    // test for JSON load right side pane
    "enableRightJSONModalPanelText2": "Select a property level to display it's floor-plan and associated lease content.", // the second text line appearing on the Property Pane

    "popupCustomMenu1" : "Tenant<br>Info<br>",               // custom menu 1   -  my_own_clickmenu1 in CADViewer.js
    "popupCustomFontAwesomeIcon1" : "fa fa-info-circle",               // custom menu 1 - icon 1 
    "popupCustomMenu2" : "Future <br>Tenant<br>",               // custom menu 2 - my_own_clickmenu2 in CADViewer.js
    "popupCustomFontAwesomeIcon2" : "fa fa-undo",               // custom menu 2  - icon 2

 //   */
//                  <command>cvjs_customCommand_20</command>   Select Property  
    "topMenuXML_config_file" :  `
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 1</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 2</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 3</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 4</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 5</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 6</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 7</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 8</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 9</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 10</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 11</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 12</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 13</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 14</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 15</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 16</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 17</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 18</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Command tooltip 19</tooltip>
                <tooltip>Select Property</tooltip>

//    */

//  COLOR OBJECTS FOR HIGHLIGHTS   - make fully transparent

    // Base attributes of Space Object

    "BaseAttributes" : {
        "fill": "#ffffff", //'#d8e1e3', // '#ffd7f4', //'#D3D3D3',   // #FFF   #ffd7f4
        "fill-opacity": "0.0",
        "stroke": "#CCC", //  #CCC
        "stroke-width": 0.0,
        "stroke-opacity": "0.0",
        "stroke-linejoin": "round",

    // Mouse over highlight attributes of Space Object

    "HighlightAttributes" : {

        "fill": "ffffff", //"#ffd7f4", //"#a4d7f4",  // '#ffd7f4'
        "fill-opacity": "0.0",
        "stroke": "#ffd7f4", // "#a4d7f4",
        "stroke-width": 0.0,
        "stroke-opacity": "0.0",

    // Mouse click highlight attributes of Space Object

    "SelectAttributes" : {

        "fill": "#ffffff", //"#ed39a5", //"#5BBEF6",   //#ed39a5
        "fill-opacity": "0.0",
        "stroke": "#ed39a5", //"#5BBEF6",  // #ed39a5
        "stroke-width": 1,
        "stroke-opacity": "0.8",



export default config
Last updated on 29 Aug 2024
Published on 29 Aug 2024