The tailwind.config.js files sets the interface element styling, it is located in the top-level folder.
Each of the parameter settings is followed with an explanation of what the setting entails.
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
content: [
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
// /*
"primary": {
'50': '#e2e7eb',
'100': '#b7c2cd',
'200': '#879aab',
'300': '#577289',
'400': '#335370',
'500': '#0f3557',
'600': '#0d304f',
'700': '#0b2846',
'800': '#08223c',
'900': '#04162c',
"primary": {
50: "#fff9f2",
100: "#fff3e6",
200: "#ffe0bf",
300: "#ffcd99",
400: "#ffb34d",
500: "#ff9900",
600: "#e68a00",
700: "#995c00",
800: "#734500",
900: "#4d2e00",
// primary green alternative
"primary": {
50: "#f2fff9",
100: "#e6fff3",
200: "#bfffdf",
300: "#99ffcc",
400: "#4dff99",
500: "#00ff66",
600: "#00e660",
700: "#009933",
800: "#007f26",
900: "#005319",
},// */
// Todo create palette for background and text color for bottom and left panel
// first exemple
"sidebar-background": "#111827",
"sidebar-hamburger-background": "#ff4c55",
"sidebar-title": "#fff",
"sidebar-subtitle": "#9ca3af",
"sidebar-active-item": "#4ade80",
"bottom-panel": "#111827",
"bottom-panel-title": "#fff",
"bottom-panel-subtitle": "#9ca3af",
"right-action-background": "#ff4c55",
"right-action-icon": "#ffffff",
// second exemple
"sidebar-background": "#2e3440",
"sidebar-hamburger-background": "#ff4c55",
"sidebar-title": "#fff",
"sidebar-subtitle": "#c0d0e0",
"sidebar-active-item": "#7289da",
"bottom-panel": "#f6f8fa",
"bottom-panel-title": "#2e3440",
"bottom-panel-subtitle": "#7d8799",
"right-action-background": "#ff4c55",
"right-action-icon": "#ffffff",
"sidebar-background": "#0f3557",
"sidebar-hamburger-background": "#0f3557",
"sidebar-hamburger-icon": "#ffffff",
"sidebar-title": "#f9f9f9",
"sidebar-subtitle": "#efeff0",
"sidebar-active-item": "#0f3557",
"sidebar-scrollbar-background": "#0000001a",
"sidebar-scrollbar-thumb": "#ffffff",
"sidebar-item-hover": "#ffffff22",
"bottom-panel-background": "#ffffff",
"bottom-panel-title": "#3c43347",
"bottom-panel-subtitle": "#3c43347",
"bottom-panel-scrollbar-background": "#0f355733",
"bottom-panel-scrollbar-thumb": "#0f3557",
"right-action-background": "##0f3557",
"right-action-icon": "#ffffff",
"search-input-text-color": "#000000",
gridTemplateColumns: {
sidebar: "300px auto", //for sidebar layout
"sidebar-collapsed": "0px auto", //for collapsed sidebar layout
gridTemplateRows: {
footer: "auto 100px",
"footer-collapsed": "auto 0px",
plugins: [