Visual Query Overview
Installation of CADViewer Visual Query
An installation of CADViewer Visual Query requires the installation of two distinct components:
, where the Front-End implements CADViewer and the Back-End Node JS CADViewer Conversion Server implements our AutoXchange 2025, LinkList 2025 and DwgMerge 2025 converters which are described in more detail in our CADViewer Tech Docs section.
As part of the installation, please refer the configuration of CADViewer Visual Query.
Next Steps - Learn more about Visual Query
Once the base installation of CADViewer Visual Query is done, then read move about the features of this package:
Specific Graphical Elements
CADViewer Visual Query is specifically working with these CADViewer elements:
and refer to the CADViewer Tech Docs for:
The Visual Query Front-End is distributed as a private repostitory on a per company basis.
From the CADViewer download page there are links to our Github repositories, which includes complete integrated reference installations containing all three base components: CADViewer, Back-End Converters and Handlers. These integrated repositories are available for all our Handlers platforms.