CADViewer Technical Documentation, Installation Guide and Reference Samples Library

CAD Converters

CADViewer Back-End CAD Converters Folder Structure

The Back-End CAD converter structure supporting CADViewer application, is typically installed under the main cadviewer folder in the folder converters. There are three back-end converters used, of which AutoXchange must be installed for CAD drawings display, the other two are optional:

  • AutoXchange 2023 is the core converter component handling CAD formats, PDF and advanced raster formats such as TIFF converting into the CADViewer open display format SVG. - required
  • DwgMerge 2023 is used when merging Redlines into DWG or DXF for redistribution. DwgMerge is additionally used in the CADViewer QR code interface to mark drawings with QR codes. - optional
  • LinkList 2023 is used to make queries to CAD drawings to list any external references associated with a drawing. This is used to query what needs to be added for the drawing to display with all defined external content or sub-drawings. - optional

─── cadviewer
    └── converters
        ├── ax2023
        │     ├── windows 
        │     │      └── fonts
        │     └── linux
        │            └── fonts
        ├── dwgmerge2023
        │         ├── windows 
        │         │      └── fonts
        │         └── linux
        │                └── fonts
        ├── linklist2023
        │         ├── windows  
        │         │      └── fonts
        │         └── linux
        │                └── fonts
        └── files

AutoXchange 2023 Installation

Download AutoXchange from our site. Add it into the CADViewer structure as specified depending on the Handler technology used. There is a separate documentation for AutoXchange 2022 for application programmers who wants to use the AutoXchange 2022 command line interface to control the display file creation themselves.

DwgMerge 2023 Installation

Download DwgMerge from our site. Add it into the CADViewer structure as specified depending on the Handler technology used.

Download LinkList from our site. Add it into the CADViewer structure as specified depending on the Handler technology used.

Handler Connections between Converters and CADViewer

Depending on back-end platform technology, a set of Handlers is the glue between CADViewer and the Back-End CAD Converters, please see the Handler section.

Last updated on 11 Aug 2022
Published on 22 Mar 2020