CADViewer Technical Documentation, Installation Guide and Reference Samples Library



For a CADViewer NodeJS installation on Windows, the base file-structure should be as below:

    └─── cadviewer
            ├── app
            │    ├── cv
            │    │    ├── cv-pro 
            │    │    │   ├── menu_config
            │    │    │   ├── language_table
            │    │    │   └── space
            │    │    │         ├── css 
            │    │    │         └── html
            │    │    ├── cv-core
            │    │    │   ├── menu_config
            │    │    │   └── language_table
            │    │    └── cv-custom_commands
            │    ├── fonts
            │    ├── images
            │    ├── js
            │    ├── css
            │    └── user_resources	
            ├── converters
            │    ├── ax2020
            │    │     ├── windows 
            │    │     │      └── fonts
            │    │     └── linux
            │    │            └── fonts
            │    ├── dwgmerge2020
            │    │         ├── windows 
            │    │         │      └── fonts
            │    │         └── linux
            │    │            └── fonts
            │    ├── linklist2020
            │    │         ├── windows 
            │    │         │     └── fonts
            │    │         └── linux
            │    │               └── fonts
            │    └── files
            ├── content
            ├── html
            └── temp_print

Note that folders for advanced interaction, such as database connectivity and advanced REST-API connectivity features are not included in this folder tree, please see the Samples section for integration with this type of functionality.

Windows - Configuration

In folder:

    └─── cadviewer

locate the configuration file: CADViewer_config.json , edit the settings to reflect your installation. Note that, in this setup is assuming the front-end server with the CADViewer html file to have the ServerFrontEndUrl and the conversion server to have the ServerUrl settings.

In folder:

    └─── cadviewer
            └── html

identify your sample mysample.html file, and ensure that it loads the CADViewer_NodeJSHandlerSettings.js file:

In folder:

    └─── cadviewer
            └── app
                 └── cv

Open the CADViewer_NodeJSHandlerSettings.js file, and ensure that the top variable settings correspond to your server settings :

Run the Back-End server from the location of the installation, C:\nodejs\cadviewer:

C:\nodejs\cadviewer>node CVserver-v6_1_0.js
CADViewer Server is listening on port 3000!
Server running at

Run the server serving the Front-End from the location of the installation, C:\nodejs\cadviewer:

C:\nodejs\cadviewer>npx http-server
npx: installed 26 in 4.196s
Starting up http-server, serving ./
Available on:
Hit CTRL-C to stop the server

Alternatively, if npx is not installed, use npm to install a http server globally, and then run the Front-End server specifically on port 8081, from the location of the installation C:\nodejs\cadviewer:

C:\nodejs\cadviewer>npm install http-server -g
C:\nodejs\cadviewer>http-server -p 8081
Starting up http-server, serving ./
Available on:
Hit CTRL-C to stop the server

Open a web-browser pointing to your sample html file: http:/

Use the server traces and browser development console for debugging, alternatively contact our Support


On Linux a NodeJS server can be launched from any location, a CADViewer NodeJS installation on Linux, the suggested base file-structure under user structure should be as below:

    └─── cadviewer
            ├── app
            │    ├── cv
            │    │    ├── cv-pro 
            │    │    │   ├── menu_config
            │    │    │   ├── language_table
            │    │    │   └── space
            │    │    │         ├── css 
            │    │    │         └── html
            │    │    ├── cv-core
            │    │    │   ├── menu_config
            │    │    │   └── language_table
            │    │    └── cv-custom_commands
            │    ├── fonts
            │    ├── images
            │    ├── js
            │    ├── css
            │    └── user_resources	
            ├── converters
            │    ├── ax2020
            │    │     ├── windows 
            │    │     │      └── fonts
            │    │     └── linux
            │    │            └── fonts
            │    ├── dwgmerge2020
            │    │         ├── windows 
            │    │         │      └── fonts
            │    │         └── linux
            │    │            └── fonts
            │    ├── linklist2020
            │    │         ├── windows 
            │    │         │     └── fonts
            │    │         └── linux
            │    │               └── fonts
            │    └── files
            ├── content
            ├── html
            └── temp_print

Note that folders for advanced interaction, such as database connectivity and advanced REST-API connectivity features are not included in this folder tree, please see the Samples section for integration with this type of functionality.

Linux - Configuration

In folder:

    └─── cadviewer

locate the configuration file: CADViewer_config.json , edit the settings to reflect your installation. Note that, in this setup is assuming the front-end server with the CADViewer html file to have the ServerFrontEndUrl and the conversion server to have the ServerUrl settings.

In folder:

    └─── cadviewer
              └── html

identify your sample mysample.html file, and ensure that it loads the CADViewer_NodeJSHandlerSettings.js file:

In folder:

    └─── cadviewer
              └── converters
                      └── ax2020
                             └── linux

Ensure that the executable has chmod 777 permissions.

In folder:

    └─── cadviewer
              └── app
                   └── cv

Open the CADViewer_NodeJSHandlerSettings.js file, and ensure that the top variable settings correspond to your server settings :

Run the Back-End server from the location of the installation, /usr/bin/cadviewer:

user@user-VirtualBox:~$ pwd
user@user-VirtualBox:~$ node CVserver-v6_1_0.js
CADViewer Server is listening on port 3000!
Server running at

Run the server serving the Front-End from the location of the cadviewer installation, /usr/bin/cadviewer, for example use npm:

user@user-VirtualBox:~$ pwd
user@user-VirtualBox:~$ sudo npm install http-server -g
user@user-VirtualBox:~$ http-server -p 8080
Starting up http-server, serving ./
Available on:
Hit CTRL-C to stop the server

Open a web-browser pointing to your sample html file: http:/

Use the server traces and browser development console for debugging, alternatively contact our Support


One issue that often appears in installations is that interface icons does not display properly:


Typically the variable ServerUrl in /cadviewer/app/cv/CADViewer_NodeJSHandlerSettings.js is not set to reflect the front-end server url or port.

Server Source Code - Windows and Linux

The NodeJS server code is similar on Windows and Linux, the latest version is CVServer-v6_1_1.js . Application programmers may modify content to integrate with their own software or application.

Last updated on 6 May 2020
Published on 6 May 2020