Use this TechDoc as your reference for installing and working with CADViewer.
This TechDoc contain a large selection as template samples that you can use to implement CADViewer in your application or as stand-alone.
You can also use our GitHub repositories for integrated samples to start working with CADViewer.
From our site, you can Download CADViewer, AutoXchange 2022, LinkList , DwgMerge and DwgList with Connecting Handlers and Samples to use these in conjunction with this documentation.
Note 1: Use the above Download links for more details on software options and for converters and extractors.
Note 2: All GitHub repositories includes specific install notes.
1: The base CADViewer Github repository cadviewer-script-library (Windows) includes CADViewer and a base folder structure with converters, drawings, and html sample(s). The same repository can be downloaded specifically for Linux: cadviewer7-script-library-php-linux
1A: If using PHP as backend, on Windows then add PHP scripts cadviewer-php-scripts to cadviewer-script-library and run as is. On Linux download the integrated sample cadviewer7-script-library-php-linux
1B: If using Servets as back-end, download from Github cadviewer-tomcat-01, the sample integrates the full converter structure. Download CADViewer to get the .war installer files.
1C: If on dotNet, download integrated Visual Studo Project from Github cadviewer-testapp-dotnet-01, all CADViewer components are included.
1D: If on dotNetCore, download integrated Visual Studo Project from Github cadviewer-testapp-dotnetcore-01, all CADViewer components are included.
1E: A Laragon integrated sample using PHP can be downloaded from Github cadviewer-script-library-laragon-laravel-sample-01.
1F: A Rails7 integrated sample using NodeJS CAD Conversion Server as back-end can be downloaded from Github cadviewer-testapp-rails7-01.
2: If using a front-end frame-work, then install CADViewer via NPM.
2A: Integrated ReactJS sample can be downloaded from Github cadviewer-testapp-react-01.
2B: Integrated VueJS sample can be downloaded from Github cadviewer-testapp-vue-01.
2C: Integrated Angular sample can be download from Github cadviewer-testapp-angular-v02.
2D: Integrated ReactJS with dotNetCore backend sample can be downloaded from Github cadviewer-testapp-dotnet-core-react-01.
3: All frame-works needs a back-end server to convert CAD files. Any of the back-end components 1A - 1D, can be used, but the preferred setup is using the NodeJS CAD Conversion Server, that can be downloaded from Github. Windows: cadviewer-conversion-server, Linux: cadviewer-conversion-server-linux. .
Read the sections on installing and handling Fonts in AutoXchange 2023 TechDocs and TroubleShooting.
Try out the samples and build your own application!
Have Fun! - and get in touch with us!