CADViewer now integrates with the NextCloud platform. NextCloud is the most popular on-premises content collaboration platform you can download, with over 400.000 deployments.
CADViewer thus provides full AutoCAD DWG/DXF/DWF and MicroStation DGN file support inside NextCloud.
The CADViewer installation on NextCloud supports all general CAD viewing, printing, layer management, measurement, searches and zoom interface commands. It also supports full redlining and annotation interface on any CAD file inside NextCloud.
The CADViewer Nextcloud Connector is located on GitHub, so please visit our CADViewer Nextcloud Connector Repository and follow the instructions to download and install CADViewer under NextCloud.
See more detailed CADViewer explanation at our CADViewer Technical Documentation!
CADViewer Integration for NextCloud
Please see the Readme.MD and download the CADViewer Nextcloud Connector, alternatively install directly from the NextCloud store interface.