CADViewer Online Demo - View your drawings online
Test CADViewer by uploading your own drawings through the File Modal and view your drawings online. The full interface is activated in this demo version.
Go to Online DemoUpload your own drawings and test some typical CADViewer use-cases
Test CADViewer by uploading your own drawings through the File Modal and view your drawings online. The full interface is activated in this demo version.
Go to Online DemoVisual Query: AngularJS and PHP are used with the CADViewer API to dynamically load content from a MySQL database for two-way interaction with content in drawing. The CADViewer API supports this interaction on multiple platforms.
Go to Online DemoTest API methods to do Highlights, Hatching, Coloring of Space Borders, Custom Tooltips and Multiselection of Spaces. The full interface is activated in this demo version.
Go to Online DemoCADViewer Space Object interface is used to create and link spaces on floorplans and CADViewer is being set up to interact with an encapsulating application, which can be any CAFM, IWMS or IOT related application, to display and highlight content related to each space.
Go to Online DemoUse the CADViewer interface to place out graphical objects on the CAD Canvas and enable API interaction. Use this sample as a framework for use in graphical applications for HVAC, Wifi, Hotspots, Sensors, etc.
Go to Online DemoCADViewer Pro is set up with interactive modals for file-loading and redlines. Links with AutoXchange 2024 for own server on-the-fly conversion control of CAD drawings.
Go to Online DemoTest and measure your own drawings in the CADViewer online version. The full interface is activated in this demo version.
Go to Online DemoUpload your drawings and inspect AutoCAD and MicroStation Entity Handles in the CADViewer online version. The full interface is activated in this demo version.
Go to Online DemoRedline control icon disk displayed at load. Links with AutoXchange for own server on-the-fly conversion control of CAD drawings.
Go to Online DemoSample with compare drawings menu page activated (icon menu page three). Two drawings are loaded and overlaid to expose differencies.
Go to Online DemoCADViewer uses the JSON interface of AutoXchange 2024 to dynamically change Text String Variables for PDF output.
Go to Online DemoUsing CADViewer for retrieving and displaying Workorder locations from IBM Maximo using Rest API calls. The API is also used to enable general queries against the Workorder Database for dynamic highlight.
Go to Online DemoUsing CADViewer API and back-end Java Connectors to make queries against an IBM DB2 running IBM Tririga to populate hotspots.
Go to Online DemoSample implementation using CADViewer to dynamic highlight locations and sensor cones based on senser readings of Occupancy, Temperature, Power and Light Level
Go to Online Demo