CADViewer is our premium CAD Viewing product with integrated CAD File Conversion using our CAD Converter AutoXchange 2025.
CADViewer is available as a top level JavaScript Library (back-end Windows or Linux) or as a scoped Library for the frame-works ReactJS, AngularJS and VueJS installed through npm.
Connectors (or Handlers) between CADViewer and our back-end CAD converter(s) AutoXchange 2025 are provided in PHP, Servlets, NodeJS, .NET and .NET Core, but the components can be integrated with any business logic.
About CADViewer
CADViewer is designed for companies who need to conduct online product, document, project, process, IOT and space management activities over the Internet.
The GUI is configurable so you, by using our customizable API, can set up the functionality the way you want to within minutes.
No Plug-in Software is required as the browser client software components are Java Script based. All the user simply has to do is to click on the file and it displays. Additionally, since it is converted to compressed SVG on your server, your propriety drawing file is not at risk at being copied.
CADViewer is VERY fast, converting most files in seconds. Since the resulting file is parsed faster than the original, you can convert and send the file in less time than loading the original. Of course, the Viewer can display the results very quickly.
CADViewer does not have the download overhead associated with other Web viewing solutions.
Wide Browser Support
All Script enabled Web client will work with CADViewer, including IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera on both desktop and mobile platforms.
Server Side Conversion
CADViewer uses our advanced server-based conversion process that makes it easy to create output files on-the-fly! CADViewer handles all file interaction on the client.
Unlike some of our competitors that have to repeatedly return to the server for each transaction, everything is done where it is cheapest and quickest on your desktop machine. This frees your valuable servers for real work.
The back-end architecture provides flexibility, so developers can implement solutions doing conversion ahead of time.
Standards Based
Unlike our competitors who force you to use their proprietary format, we use SVG, a de-facto standard for viewing CAD files on the Web.
SVG is developed by W3C and is together with PDF the two de facto standards for CAD document viewing. Use CadViewer and SVG and enjoy the benefits of Java Script, standards-based viewing, or use the format of your choice.
Most Advanced IWMS / CAFM Tools Interface
CADViewer provides an advanced API Interface for developers to works with Space Objects either processed as part of the drawings or on top of CADViewer. Read our Guides on how to Create Hotspots, how to Add Or Modify Hotspots & Images and how to Style Hotspots & Images.
Redlines/Annotations interface
CADViewer supports a large set of Redlines/Annotation features, that can be extended using the Custom Canvas API, see more on our TechDocs.
Reference implementations
See our CADViewer Online Demos: