CADViewer Space Object API
Tailor Made Software is releasing the CADViewer core Space Object API for Space Management and Asset Management in IWMS. The CADViewer Space Object API and Interface is developed to:
Continue ReadingTailor Made Software is releasing the CADViewer core Space Object API for Space Management and Asset Management in IWMS. The CADViewer Space Object API and Interface is developed to:
Continue ReadingCADViewer now integrates with the NextCloud platform. NextCloud is the most popular on-premises content collaboration platform you can download, with over 400.000 deployments. CADViewer thus provides full AutoCAD DWG/DXF/DWF and MicroStation DGN file support inside NextCloud.
Continue ReadingCADViewer now integrates with the NextCloud platform. NextCloud is the most popular on-premises content collaboration platform you can download, with over 400.000 deployments. CADViewer thus provides full AutoCAD DWG/DXF/DWF and MicroStation DGN file support inside NextCloud.
Continue ReadingCADViewer now supports Inkscape layers in Space Objects, enhancing any IWMS solution to allow IOT, sensor, objects to dynamically change shape controlled by the CADViewer API. Try out our React sample to dynamically change the state of graphical objects in a floorplan.
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