CADViewer Technical Documentation, Installation Guide and Reference Samples Library

Redlines Callback Method

Redlines Call Back Method

CADViewer has two call back methods that is used with Redlines. Once the drawing is loaded, the application programmer can inside the drawing load call-back method cvjs_OnLoadEnd() set the current User Name and ID for use with Redlines and Sticky Notes, these methods are: cvjs_setCurrentStickyNoteValues_NameUserId(), cvjs_setCurrentRedlineValues_NameUserid()

When working with Redlines the Redline Load call-back is used to set the work status of the redline loaded, the redlines can be locked for editing for a set of users, and the redline can be set so that a given set of users redlines are visible/hidden. These methods are: cvjs_hideAllRedlines_HiddenUsersList(), cvjs_lockAllRedlines_LockedUsersList()

If a Redline has to be loaded with a drawing, then in the cvjs_OnLoadEnd() callback, application programmers can add a method call to set the load path to the redline cvjs_setStickyNoteRedlineUrl(), and then trigger a direct load with cvjs_loadStickyNotesRedlines().

Click on the method to open the API documentation.

Last updated on 26 Feb 2022
Published on 9 Apr 2020