CADViewer Technical Documentation, Installation Guide and Reference Samples Library

API controls for Load/Save

API Controlled Redlines Load/Save

When using direct control of redline load/save then the first step is to uncomment the redline modal settings in the initalization part of the document.

There are two methods that triggers direct load/save of redlines when the Redline Modal is activated. These methods are: cvjs_setStickyNoteRedlineUrl() for Load and cvjs_setStickyNoteSaveRedlineUrl() for Save. The Redlines files are .js files, where the redlines content is kept in a Java Script structure.

Click on the method to open the API documentation.

There are two API methods exposed to application programmers that controls what action takes place when the Redlines Load icon and Redlines Save icon are pushed, cvjs_saveStickyNotesRedlinesUser() and cvjs_loadStickyNotesRedlinesUser().

The content of these methods are open to edit, in the standard setup, they are set up to trigger load and save via the Redline Modal using the methods: cvjs_openRedlineSaveModal() and cvjs_openRedlineLoadModal().

Click on the method to open the API documentation.

Application programmers will comment out the standard modal load and save and replace it with their own coding, this coding should contain settings of Load and Save path for the Redlines.

Click on the method to open the API documentation.

Last updated on 31 May 2022
Published on 9 Apr 2020