Linux - AutoXchange not running
If AutoXchange is not running when executing on Linux, the most common issue is that AutoXchange does not have permissions to execute from the install folder:
sudo chmod 777 /cadviewer-conversion-server/converters/ax2022/linux/ax2022_L64_22_12_70
and the output folder used for file-conversions needs to have write permission set for all users:
sudo chmod 777 /cadviewer-conversion-server/converters/files
Verify AX2022 is running by running the command to echo the parameter interface. It will either any missing libraries or display all parameter commands:
/cadviewer-conversion-server/converters/ax2022/linux/ax2022_L64_22_12_70 -?
Verify AX2022 can perform a conversion, by adding a temp AutoCAD file (myfile.dwg) to the /converters/ax2022/linux/ folder and run a sample conversion:
/cadviewer-conversion-server/converters/ax2022/linux/ax2022_L64_22_12_70 -i=myfile.dwg -o=myfile.svg -f=svg -model -trace