CADViewer Technical Documentation, Installation Guide and Reference Samples Library

functional implementation for SpaceObjects

cvjs_graphicalObjectOnChange() is a callback Method on Creation, Delete and Change.

For more details on Space Management see: Space Objects - API Inteface & Guides

The cvjs_graphicalObjectOnChange(type, graphicalObject, id) callback contains the parameters:

  • type: The types of interaction are: Create, Delete, Click, Move, Resize, Scale, Edit …
  • graphicalObject: The grapical object itself, there are different types of redlines and space objects
  • id: The ID of the object. Note that the corresponding node of the object will typically be RED_xxx for Redlines , SNOTE_xxx for StickyNotes and NODE_xxx for Space Objects

Space Objects are stored in a JSON object structure that is described in the Section: Space Objects - API Inteface & Guides.

Typical Functional implementation of cvjs_graphicalObjectOnChange() for Space Objects

Below is a typical functional implementation on the callback when a Space Object has been created, deleted, clicked or modified:

// Callback Method on Creation, Delete and Change
function cvjs_graphicalObjectOnChange(type, graphicalObject, spaceID){
// do something with the graphics object created! 
console.log(" cvjs_graphicalObjectOnChange: "+type+" "+graphicalObject+" "+spaceID+" indexSpace: "+graphicalObject.toLowerCase().indexOf("space"));

// we list the parent of the current object
var myobject = cvjs_returnSpaceObjectID(spaceID);
console.log("This Object "" with name "" has Parent: "+myobject.parent);

if (type == 'Create' && graphicalObject.toLowerCase().indexOf("space")>-1 && graphicalObject.toLowerCase().indexOf("circle")==-1){
     * Return a JSON structure of all content of a given ID: <br>
    * 	var jsonStructure =  	{	"path": path,
    *								"tags": tags, 
    *								"node": node, 
    *								"area": area, 
    *								"outerhtml": outerHTML, 
    *								"occupancy": occupancy, 
    *								"name": name, 
    *								"type": type, 
    *								"id": id, 
    *								"defaultcolor": defaultcolor, 
    *								"highlightcolor": highlightcolor, 
    *								"selectcolor": selectcolor, 
    *								"layer": layer, 
    *								"group": group, 
    *								"linked": linked, 
    *								"attributes": attributes, 
    *								"attributeStatus": attributeStatus, 
    *								"displaySpaceObjects": displaySpaceObjects,
    *								"translate_x": translate_x, 
    *								"translate_y": translate_y, 
    *								"scale_x": scale_x ,
    *								"scale_y": scale_y ,
    *								"rotate": rotate, 
    *								"transform": transform, 
    *								"svgx": svgx, 
    *								"svgy": svgx, 
    *								"dwgx": dwgx, 
    *								"dwgy": dwgy , 
    *                               "customContent" : mycustomcontent,
    *                               "pageNumber" : "",
    *                               "pageName" : "",
    *                               "block" : "",
    *                               "blockAttributeId" : "",
    *                               "blockAttributeCount" : ""
    *                               "clickhandler" : "enable",
    *                               "parent" : "none",
    *                               }
    * @param {string} spaceID - Id of the Space Object to return
    * @return {Object} jsonSpaceObject - Object with the entire space objects content

    myobject = cvjs_returnSpaceObjectID(spaceID);
    // I can save this object into my database, and then use command 
    // cvjs_setSpaceObjectDirect(jsonSpaceObject) 
    // when I am recreating the content of the drawing at load
    // for the fun of it, display the SVG geometry of the space:			
    //console.log("This is the SVG path: "+myobject.path)

        console.log("customcontent: "+myobject.customcontent.insertType);
        for (var i=0; i<myobject.customcontent.logicalRules.length; i++){
            //console.log("callback rule: "+(i+1)+" "+myobject.customcontent.logicalRules[i].rule);
        console.log("object have not got custom content..."+err)

if (type == 'Delete' && graphicalObject.toLowerCase().indexOf("space")>-1 ){
    // remove this entry from my DB
    window.alert("We have deleted: "+spaceID)

if (type == 'Move' && graphicalObject.toLowerCase().indexOf("space")>-1 ){
    // remove this entry from my DB
    console.log("This object has been moved: "+spaceID)		
    myobject = cvjs_returnSpaceObjectID(spaceID);

if (type == 'Click'){
    // remove this entry from my DB
    console.log(graphicalObject+" has been clicked");		

Last updated on 30 May 2022
Published on 9 Apr 2020