CADViewer Technical Documentation, Installation Guide and Reference Samples Library
CADViewer User Manual
AutoXchange 2023
LinkList 2023
DwgList 2023
DwgMerge 2023
Prev - File Loader Modal
Next - Modal Setup
The Redline and StickyNote handling are described in the following sections:
Redline Modal Setup
Redlines Call-Back Method
API Controlled Redlines Load/Save
API Controlled Direct Load and Save of Redlines from Local Source
Overlay Redlines at Load
Redline and StickyNote Formats, CADViewer 6 and CADViewer 7
Last updated on 31 May 2022
Published on 9 Apr 2020
Script Libraries
HTML CAD Element
Initialize and Load Drawing
Menu Layout and Language Settings
Custom Icon Menu & Commands
Callback Methods
method cvjs_OnLoadEnd
method cvjs_OnLoadEndRedlines
method cvjs_graphicalObjectOnChange
functional implementation for SpaceObjects
functional implementation for Redline/StickyNotes
methods for Selected & Changed
Converting Drawings
File Loader Modal
Modal Setup
Redlines Callback Method
API controls for Load/Save
Load/Save from Local Source
Overlay Redlines
Redlines Formats
Compare Drawings
Insert Image Notes
Load Parameters from URL
Conversion Control Parameters
Custom Modals for Highlight
Dynamic Modals for Highlight
Suppress/Exchange Highlight Modals
CAD Converters
Platform Handlers
Servlets - Tomcat
.NET core
Vue JS
React JS
SharePoint - PHP
Business Extensions to Handlers
Custom Endpoint
CADViewer and AutoXchange API
Request - Response
Request Avaliable Engines
Request Conversion/Extraction/Display
Template Objects
Template API Endpoints
Calls to the REST API
CADViewer URL End-points
CADViewer Template REST Call Methods
Space Objects - API Inteface & Guides
Standard Insertion of Space Objects
Coordinate based Insertion of Space Objects
Interactive Insertion - JSON
Custom Space Object Menu
Inkscape State Layers for IWMS
Layer Operations on Space Objects
Highlight Operations on Space Objects
Query Operations on Space Objects
JSON Structure & JSON Commands
Modify Content on Space Objects
Interface Commands for Space Objects
CADViewer Reference Samples
JSON - Dynamic Modification of Title Blocks in Output
Space Objects - Dynamic Interaction with Floor-Plan
JSON - Dynamic Modification of Variables in Drawing
Space Image Objects - Insert and Manipulate SVG Icons
Autonomous Space Objects - Insert and Manipulate Objects with SVG Icons and Text
Space Objects - Highlight and Layer Management
npm install - Getting an unknown git error..
dotNetCore - conversions/pdf not working
dotNetCore module - error picking up converted file error
Linux - AutoXchange not running
Linux - AutoXchange not running
Always getting ModelSpace view
AutoXchange license key not working
How do I create a DWG from PDF?
How do I change the Background Color?
License Keys
Technical Support