Redlines Formats
Redlines and SticyNote shares a common javascript structure in CADViewer v6.
For CADViewer v7 and CADViewer v8, the data-structure of Redlines and StickyNotes have been updated to a JSON based structure similar to Space Objects.
CADViewer 7/CADViewer 8 Redline Format
The base JSON structure for a CADViewer 7/CADViewer 8 Redline Object is:
When using the general JSON extration method, see Functional implementation for Redline/StickyNotes , all redlines are consolidated into a {‘RedlineObjects’:[]} structure.
var RedlineObject = { "node": node,
"outerhtml": outerhtml,
"name": name,
"type": type,
"id": id,
"layer": layer,
"group": layer,
"color": color,
"strokeWidth": strokeWidth,
"fill": fill,
"username": username,
"userid": userid,
"currentPage": currentPage,
"triange_design": triangle_design,
"polypath_arrow": polypath_arrow,
"redline_text": redline_text,
"redline_font_size": redline_font_size,
"fill_opacity": fill_opacity,
"transform": transform,
"drawingRotation": drawingRotation
CADViewer 7/CADViewer 8 StickyNote Format
The base JSON structure for a CADViewer 7 /CADViewer 8 StickyNote Object is:
When using the general JSON extration method, see Functional implementation for Redline/StickyNotes , all stickynotes are consolidated into a {‘StickyNoteObjects’:[]} structure.
var StickyNoteObject = { "node": node,
"outerhtml": outerhtml,
"name": name,
"id": id,
"layer": layer,
"group": layer,
"text": text,
"userid": userid,
"currentPage": currentPage,
"date": date,
"linked": linked,
"transform": transform,
"drawingRotation": drawingRotation,
CADViewer 6 - Javascript Format for Redlines and StickyNotes
In CADViewer version 6, all Redlines and StickyNotes are consolidated into a single javascript structure.
Note: that this structure cannot be loaded into CADViewer when running under a frame-work (ReactJS, VueJS, Angular, etc.), therefore for the frame-works use CADViewer 7.
var cvjs_stickyNotesRedlines_Base = {
0: {
node: "RED_1",
name: "redline1",
id: "1",
layer: "RedLineLayer",
group: "unassigned",
color: "#ffa500",
strokeWidth: "3",
fill: "#ffa500",
username: "James Smith",
userid: "user_01",
currentPage: 1,
triangle_design: "none",
polypath_arrow: "none",
redline_text: "none",
fill_opacity: "0.1",
transform: "none",
drawingRotation: 0
function cvjs_setUpStickyNotesRedlines(paper){
var cItemRed1= paper.path("M510.58354806405697,941.9953880236635L1009.5158180567371,914.9529885660656L991.9382584092984,1366.5610595079495L933.7970995754631,1384.1386191553881L513.2877880098167,983.9111071829402L513.2877880098167,983.9111071829402L513.2877880098167,983.9111071829402L510.58354806405697,941.9953880236635Z ").attr({stroke: "#ffa500", "stroke-width": "3", "fill": "#ffa500", "fill-opacity": "0.1"})
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
stickynotesRedlines_loaded = true;
stickynotesRedlines_loaded = true;