CADViewer Technical Documentation, Installation Guide and Reference Samples Library

Request Conversion/Extraction/Display

API Request structure - Conversion/Extraction - Request

A call to the TMS REST Api will typically consist of the following structure, where the “|” notates that one of the options can be selected in the call.

          "action": "conversion | data_extraction | svg_creation | pdf_creation | cadviewer_display" ,
          "converter":"autodetect | AutoXchange 2023 | AutoXchange 2022 | LinkList 2022 | DwgMerge 2022 | ..",
          "version":"latest | Vx.yy",
          "contentType":"file | embedded | stream",
          "contentLocation":"url to the location of the content file (can be http or absolute path on conversion server)  | none (if contentType is embedded or stream)",
          "contentStream":"url to the location of the content stream | none (if contentType is file or embedded)",
          "embeddedContent":" base64 encoded file | none (if contentLocation is file or stream)",
          "contentFormat":"DWG | DXF| DWF | DGN | PDF ",
          "contentUsername":" username when TMS REST is calling content location/stream to pick up content",
          "contentPassword":" password when TMS REST is calling location/stream to pick up content",
          "userLabel":" optional label returned in the response",
          "contentResponse":" file | embedded | stream",
          "parameters": [
                         "paramName":" name of parameter",
                         "paramValue":"value of parameter"
                         "paramName":" name of parameter",
                         "paramValue":"value of parameter"
                         "paramName":" name of parameter",
                         "paramValue":"value of parameter"

API Response structure - Conversion/Extraction - Standard Files

In the case where the request “action” is of type “conversion” or “data_extraction”:

The structure of the response is:

          "completedAction": "conversion | data_extraction" ,
          "errorCode":" none | errorCode",
          "converter":"AutoXchange 2023 | AutoXchange 2022 | LinkList 2022 | DwgMerge 2022 .... ",
          "version":"latest | Vx.yy",
          "userLabel":" optional label returned from the request",
          "contentResponse":"file | embedded | stream",
          "contentLocation":"none | url to the location of the resulting conversion or data extraction file",
          "contentStream":"none | url to the location of stream to pick up data
          "embeddedContent":"none | the resulting conversion or data extraction file base64 encoded and embedded",

API Response structure - Conversion/Extraction - CADViewer SVG files

In the case where the request “action” is of type “svg_creation, pdf_creation or cadviewer_display”:

The structure of the response is:

          "completedAction": "svg_creation | pdf_creation | cadviewer_display" ,
          "errorCode":" none | errorCode",
          "converter":"AutoXchange 2023 | AutoXchange 2022.... ",
          "version":"latest | Vx.yy",
          "userLabel":" optional label returned from the request",
          "contentResponse":"file | embedded | stream",
          "contentLocation":"none | url to the location of the resulting conversion or data extraction file",
          "contentLocationData":"none | url to the location of the resulting conversion or data extraction file",
          "contentStreamData":"none | url to the location of stream to pick up data (restful-api/xx.cgi?fileTag=yyy&Type=zzz)",
          "embeddedContentData":"none | the resulting conversion or data extraction file base64 encoded and embedded",

NOTE: svg_creation and pdf_creation is used by CADViewer, it has the same effect as using conversion with a corresponding settings of conversion parameters.

Last updated on 17 Mar 2022
Published on 13 Mar 2020