CADViewer Technical Documentation, Installation Guide and Reference Samples Library

Request - Response

CADViewer REST API Request

A Request will contain the following Key-Value pairs section:

Request Key Request Value
action The action can be one of the following: conversion, data_extraction, svg_creation, pdf_creation and cadviewer_display.
converter Either “autodetect” or the name of the converter, AutoXchange 2023, LinkList 2022, DwgMerge 2022, etc.
version Version of converter if not “autodetect”
contentType The content type can be one of the following: “file”, “embedded”, “stream” . “file” is a physical url, “embedded” is for a base64 encoded file embedded in the call, “stream” is a stream end-point included in the call

Depended on the setting of the contentType key, then one of the below Key-Value pairs.

Request Key Request Value
contentLocation location of “file” object
contentSteam location of “stream” end-point
embeddedContent base64 encoded “embedded” content

Additionally , the request must contain the following Key-Value pairs section:

Request Key Request Value
contentFormat Can be any of the supported input formats: DWG, DXF, DWF, PDF, DGN, PCF
contentUsername Username when TMS REST server is calling the content location/stream to pick up content
contentPassword Password when TMS REST server is calling location/stream to pick up content
userLabel optional label returned in the response
contentResponse the setting on how to pick up the converted content, as “file”, as a “stream” end-point or “embedded” in the response
parameters This is an object with the conversion parameters used in the conversion or data-extraction, please refer to the command line interface documentation for the Tailor Made Software converters

For application control of the converter endpoint, this Key-Value pair is provided, see Business Extenstions to Handlers.

Request Key Request Value
customConversionEndpointExtension Default is “false” , set to “true” and application programmer gets a hook to control conversions on the server.

CADViewer REST API Response

A Response will contain the following Key-Value pairs section:

Request Key Request Value
completedAction The completed action can be one of the following: conversion, data_extraction, svg_creation, pdf_creation and cadviewer_display.
errorCode Either “none” or the Error Code
converter Name of converter used
version Version of converter used
userLabel optional label returned in the response, matching the userLabel in the Request call
contentResponse The content response type can be one of the following: “file”, “embedded”, “stream” . “file” is a physical url, “embedded” is for a base64 encoded file embedded in the call, “stream” is a stream end-point included in the call

Depended on the setting of the contentResponse key, then one of the below Key-Value pair.

Request Key Request Value
contentLocation location of “file” object
contentSteam location of “stream” end-point
embeddedContent base64 encoded “embedded” content

Last updated on 21 Mar 2022
Published on 13 Mar 2020