Suppress/Exchange Highlight Modals
For an application programmer to take control of the Pop-Up modals and replace with their own interface, do follow the instructions below.
If wanting to work with the CADViewer Pop-Up Modal interface, please instead go to the resources - Custom Modals for Highlight and Dynamic Modals for Highlight.
Do the following:
In the declaration part of CADViewer turn off the Pop-Up Modal interface:
When a Space or (Block) is clicked, capture the interaction from the callback method:
function cvjs_graphicalObjectOnChange(type, graphicalObject, spaceID){
In cvjs_graphicalObjectOnChange, pull the JSON object associated with the clicked object:
* Return a JSON structure of all content of a space object clicked: <br>
* var jsonStructure = { "path": path, <br>
* "tags": tags, <br>
* "node": node, <br>
* "area": area, <br>
* "outerhtml": outerHTML, <br>
* "occupancy": occupancy, <br>
* "name": name, <br>
* "type": type, <br>
* "id": id, <br>
* "defaultcolor": defaultcolor, <br>
* "highlightcolor": highlightcolor,
* "selectcolor": selectcolor,
* "layer": layer, <br>
* "group": group, <br>
* "linked": linked, <br>
* "attributes": attributes, <br>
* "attributeStatus": attributeStatus, <br>
* "displaySpaceObjects": displaySpaceObjects, <br>
* "translate_x": translate_x, <br>
* "translate_y": translate_y, <br>
* "scale_x": scale_x ,<br>
* "scale_y": scale_y ,<br>
* "rotate": rotate, <br>
* "transform": transform, <br>
* "svgx": svgx, <br>
* "svgy": svgx, <br>
* "dwgx": dwgx, <br>
* "dwgy": dwgy } <br>
* "customContent" : "customobject",
* "pageNumber" : pageNumber,
* "pageName" : pageName,
* "block" : "",
* "blockAttributeId" : "",
* "blockAttributeCount" : "",
* "clickhandler" : "enable"
* } <br>
* @return {Object} jsonSpaceObject - Object with the entire space objects content
if (graphicalObject.toLowerCase().indexOf("space")){
myobject = cvjs_returnSpaceObjectID(spaceID);
Extract space object related information from the json object. For example the following code-sequence below shows how to extract Block Attributes for the content of a Space Modal.
The basic loop captures pairs of tag/value fields from the block attributes associated with a Space Object. :
myobject = cvjs_returnSpaceObjectID(rmid);
//console.log("myCustomPopUpBody is called: "+ rmid+" "+JSON.stringify(myobject));
try {
// get block attribute:
// block attributes are listed with ID_counter , and can be retrived with cvjs:tag and cvjs:value
cvjsPopUpBody = "<div style='line-height:75%'><font size='0'>";
for (var i = 1; i <= myobject.blockAttributeCount; i++) {
var attribId = "#" + myobject.blockAttributeId + "_" + i;
cvjsPopUpBody += $(attribId).attr('cvjs:tag')+": <span id=\"mymodal_name_"+$(attribId).attr('cvjs:value')+"\" >"+$(attribId).attr('cvjs:value')+"</span><br>";
cvjsPopUpBody+= "<font size='+2'></div>";
return cvjsPopUpBody;
When done with the custom modal, clear out any highlights on canvas, by calling the method: